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Monday, September 19, 2011

Learning Log 7

On 15th of September 2011 , it is the moment which everyone in our class is waiting for. We are getting nervous over the Romeo and Juliet performance! All the actors are occupied with wearing their costumes, preparing the proms, styling for hair and rehearsing their lines for the last time! The leaders, who take up no or small roles, are equally stress up as well! They are busy with making sure that their actors are in tip top condition for the performance, they have to make sure that all props are arrange in the correct position and ensure that the performance will run smoothly with no interruption! The whole class was in a chaos! The toilets were flooded with actresses that are doing their make-up and styling of hair! I was just like a mad women running high and low to get my actors and my props! My group meets with a few problems like we finished using the masking tape. We were just tearing and pulling the masking tape until we suddenly hear the tearing of paper. That is when we know that disaster strike. We need it to secure our background! If not, it will drop like how our hopes for the performance will fall! Our last resort is to allow our dearest Lord Capulet (Liang Wei) and Juliet (Shadleen) to run as fast as they could to FairPrice to purchase all the items we need. Luckily, they managed to return on time, safe and sound. If not, I think Romeo (Tarif) will kill me with Tybalth’s rapier. 10 minutes before the clock strike 3.30pm sharp, Miss Maly came in and did a brief introduction with regards to the rules and regulations and other essential information. I was so shocked when I found out that the space available for us to perform is very limited! I discuss with Phania’s groups and we agreed that the camera should we further away even if it cost the actors faces to appear small. Soon, it was Phania’s group to start to perform! Yay! They did an amazing job! Their dance, acting skill and emotions were genuine and superb! I can really tell that each and every one of them put in a lot of effort in this performance. I was impressed by their spirit and commitment towards Romeo and Juliet act. Their hard work paid off went their performance ended and there was a loud round of applause! Well done! :D
The next performance was a Respect group but I did not manage to watch it as I had a final rehearsal with my group members! To be honest, everyone one of them were good actors and I have great confidence in them. In the matter of minutes, we went into the AVA room to prepare the stage and before the performance, I reminded them that all the sufferings, pain or happiness they has is just because of the this short 8 minutes performance! So, I want them to put in their best effort and never regret what they had done. They did listen to me and put in 110% of their effort! They really made me very proud to be their leader. I do not want to compare them with other groups as I think that as long as one tried his/her best, everything will turn out well! What is really important is that they had a great learning experience as a group or as an individual. But, I think we will fare pretty well and I have great confidence in them, like how confident they had in me when they choose me to lead them. They did not disappoint me despite of her the conflicts and difficulties we had faced throughout. I also managed watch Iqbal’s group performance! They really surprised me! They were all so presentable and look so smart and cool! They were awesome and wonderful. They also put in great efforts!
I will definitely recommend this interesting performance to my juniors! Although the process of this project is bitter, the ending is reasonably sweet. You will never regret for joining the performance! Even I am missing the times I had together with my group members already! This is really a once-in-a-lifetime experience which encourage you to step out of your own comfort zone and start and voice out your own. It also allows you to be more confident and brave as you are presenting yourself in front of a whole class. You can also bond more with your group members, class, and even teachers. All the different skills and knowledge you have learnt in the performance can be use in our daily life in one form or the other! I’m really glad that my group members and I stick together as a whole through these tough periods. We went through thick and thin together! Thanks!
Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Learning Log 6
After writing Learning Log 5 not long ago, I was very reluctant to write a new post. Actually, I am always reluctant to do homework! In this round, we are supposed to write about what we learn about literary devices. At first, I thought that the number of literary devices that I had leant in secondary 1 was a lot. But I was wrong! There are still a lot of things to know, understand and learn in Literature. That impact and effect of each literary device have its own function. The unique literary is just like the ‘key’ to every special poem, prose or unseen poetry, which is the ‘lock’. It is very important to identity and recognizes the different devices used as it usually represent or symbolizes something. By studying the imagery, we are able to identify the feelings, the thoughts and the reactions of different people. It is very essential to understand these as it deeper our thoughts of the poetry and provide a philosophical insight and an informed personal response. In my first few practices, it is a challenge for me to be able to figure out which one is the literary device. The next problem that I encountered is that what does each and every one of its significance, what does each of it stand for. I also ask myself if there is any hidden meaning and constantly remain myself to read between the lines. To conclude, I find this week Literature lesson a very meaningful one as it teaches me new things that I never knew it meant so much. I tend to miss out these important points but now I know I should always keep a look out for it. This knowledge can also be applied to other subjects such as English. Hence, I would put more effort in my studies and keep a look out for there literary devices that are used in daily life.
Sunday, July 31, 2011

Learning Log 5

It has been 4 months since I have wrote a new learning log! I have nearly forgotten my username and password! On Wednesday, Mrs Woo told us the write a new learning log. The whole class was panicking and worried! Everyone was shocked as we had not touched it for so long. Mrs Woo further explain that the purpose of writing it is to reflect on what you have learn after reading ‘The Unseen’ worksheet. I was very reluctant to read and do the learning log at first. I have a lot of homework to complete and there are many tests to study! The worksheet is so thick! But, in the long run, I know that reading it will definitely benefit me. So, I decided to read it on Saturday night.
The first sentence in the worksheet actually captures my attention. It wrote ‘An ‘unseen’ poem or prose passage is simply one that you may not have read before.’ The first thought that came to my mind is that it is just like reading a new newspaper article or comprehension passage! All of these passages need to be read in details to find out what the author, writer or poet is saying in between the lines. In the notes, there are many important notes to take note when reading an unseen poem. For example, we must ‘dig’ out the meaning of each word, each sentence, and each paragraph. The questions that we ask ourselves while reading and the feelings and emotions we felt are vital to ‘discover’ more about the meaning of the poem. There are also points to look out for while reading the poem. One mistake I will make is to make a moral judgment and do not understand what the whole poem is about. When that happens, I tend to get very nervous. Approaching an unseen poem is just like reading a new comprehension passage. We normally need to read more than 2 times to clarify our doubts and get a better understanding of the passage. It is also important it understand what each question is asking in order to get the right points. The do’s and don’ts are essential in enabling me be carefully when reading the poem.
‘It is not difficult to answer a question, but to answer it well is quite another matter.’ I also learn how to organize my answer in correct manner using the IBC and PEEL method. Many poems and sample questions are also included as examples to enhance the learning experience. It also gives me a better idea of what the writer means. The ABCs method is use in quoting words and phrases from the passage. This is the quickest way to show evidence and support your views.
The next chapter is about how to write and organise the essay. It is necessary as it determine what grades I will get. The ‘A’ grade requires comprehension, interpretation, analysis and insights that are hard to score. An important point to note is that all response must be supported by textual evidence. A good student must have a close engagement with the text and ability to communicate a coherent argument. The essay must be organized in an orderly manner, which is the introduction, the body, and lastly the conclusion. In introduction, one must include their standpoint and what the question is asking for. The body requires the PEEP principle which is Point, Evidence, Elaboration and Personal Response. The conclusion will summarize all the points in the essay and reiterate the major argument of the essay. Although quoting from the text is important, it should ass value to the point made and not merely repeat the point. As far as possible, quotes should be included in the sentence or point made. It is advisable not to start a sentence with a quote.
Ironic tone is used by many writers to show contradiction in a statement or in a situation. Verbal irony is use to create humor, to criticize or add to the sense of tragedy. Situational irony occurs when plans backfires.
To conclude, I personally feel that this piece of thick worksheet is informative and engaging- the complete opposite of my first impression. Don’t judge a ‘worksheet’ by its ‘thickness’! There are many important points I must take note of when I am writing an essay. Before reading this worksheet, I felt that I had done pretty well in writing essay. However, now I realized that there are still rooms for improvement! It is indeed not easy to be a literature student! I hope I can have more worksheet like this to improve my literature grades and more practices on how to write essays! Practice makes perfect. It will definitely benefit me in both English and Literature subjects.
Monday, April 18, 2011

Learning Log 4
It has been ages since I wrote a new learning log! I have being longing to share my wonderful experience with everyone! I had really looking forward to the Macbeth performance and I was very excited after Mrs Woo announced that we are going to act in a play. I love acting! Just like any other previous lesson, the entire period was awesome and amazing! I had a whale of a time with my group members! The performance was splendid! I had an amazing time that I will never forget throughout my secondary life!

Everything started our class favorite number selector! I am luckily to be in the same group as Anirwin and Li Yu! We were given a task. Ta-da! We had to act in a scene from Macbeth. Everyone get to chose a role to play. Li Yu and I ‘bully’ Anirwin and chose our witch first. We had a GREAT time together! We actually had problem dividing our jobs. However, we thought of a perfect solution. ‘Scissors, Paper, Stone!’ Li Yu took the job of preparing our costume, Anirwin was assigned to prepare the sound effect and the background, while I prepared all the props needed. As I was busy with a drama competition earlier on, our group can only start practicing with our drama skit 2 days before the actual performance day. We have worked very hard for the past few days in order to present a good performance in front of our classmates. We indeed had a good time preparing the props. I’m glad to have such WONDERFUL group members who help me along in our very first drama performance in Evergreen.
Finally, the day everyone was waiting for finally came! It was the time to perform in front of our fellow friends and teachers. Before the performance, the whole class is in chaos! Everyone was busy preparing for the play. I could not wait for our group to perform! In my opinion, I felt that everyone performance was unique, one of a kind. Everyone’s style, the way they play the character, the energy they put in was different! I really appreciate everyone’s effort and time they put in to make this performance possible and a success. I enjoy everyone’s performance! It was outstanding and interesting! I think that my group has done a rather good job! Everyone put in their best effort. Although we felt that everything could have gone better, I truly feel that it’s okay and enjoying the process was much more important. I enjoy being the ‘part-time’ MC for the next half for the performance. It was fun! Overall, I enjoyed Jia Le, Sanjna and Jia Yi group performance the most. They really give their all and they were able to add in creative and humorous parts into their play.
I believe that everyone in the class enjoy the Macbeth performance. I look forward to the next literature performance, which is about ‘Romeo and Juliet’! I think that it was an amazing experience and I looking forward for another unforgettable moment with 2 Commitment! I learn to work better in a group and learn important skills like communication, teamwork and co-operation. In conclusion, I felt that it was splendid. Thanks Mrs Woo! xD
Thursday, February 10, 2011

Learning Log 3
Finally, it’s the third lesson for literature! I have being longing for this lesson for donkey years! I’m really looking forward to this lesson and excited about I would learn that day. Just like the previous lessons, the entire period was awesome and amazing! I had a whale of a time with my group members! The group work was fun and wonderful!

The lesson taught was still link to superstitious, which Mrs Woo taught the previous time. We were given a piece of worksheet and had to think of a story that which caused us to change in our behaviour when we were told that something would happen soon. I had a tough time thinking of the story as the question given was seriously hard! I tried to ‘steal’ some ideas from my partner, JingHan. However, he was also stuck at it too. Out of the blue, I remember about the show I have recently watched and decided to use the story plot. Although it was a made-up story, I was glad I managed to finish the piece of work and was quite satisfied with the idea! Of course I tried to make it sound as if it was true.

After writing out our story in point form, we were split into different groups. I was on cloud nine when I know that I was in the same group as Li Yu, Clarence, Brian and Yuet Yan! Yes! I am with my Key(Li Yu)! We start to discus about our stories and I found that Brian and Clarence story were extremely interesting! Clarence’s story is about him scoring A1 for his maths and got 1st in class. I forget most of the details but we had a great time reading his story. Brian’s story is about his friend predicting that he would not bring his homework. He forced himself to remember but in the end, he still forgot to bring it! We all had an incredible time together. After much discussion, my work was chosen and we all took turn to write it in a paragraph. We had a fun time comparing our handwriting too! Haha!

Yuet Yan was chosen to present our work and I think she did a great job! Listening to the other stories made my spine tingled! Some of the stories were pretty humorous! I believe that everyone in the class enjoy every moment in the literature class. It was an amazing experience and I looking forward for another unforgettable moment with 2 Commitment! Thanks Mrs Woo! xD

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Learning Log 2
From the superstitious lessons, I learnt that different people are obsessed with different belief. For example, God Bless You. During the sixth century, it was customary to congratulate people who sneezed because they were expelling evil from their bodies. Later, when a great plague took hold of Europe, and people began sneezing violently, the Pope passed a law. Since sneezing meant that the person was going to die of plague, people were required to bless the sneezer. However, these belief are actually not facts, they are old-wife tales that have been pass down from one generation to other. I do not believe in superstitious, however better to be safe than sorry, but I don't let them run my life either.
Here is a cinquain on superstitious:
Belief, Luck
Trusting, Lying, Predicting
Foresee the future events

From the Macbeth lessons, I learnt more about the play and know the greed is the root of all evil. We draw 3 witches which represent unlucky. We also did a short play and really enjoy it a lot! We all had tons of funny looking how different groups do act in the first scene of the play. I definitely enjoy how Mrs Woo imitated the 3 witches! I believe everyone had a whale of a time!

I really look forward for more plays in literature! It is indeed very fun and enjoyable. I hope that this will continue for the whole year and hope that there are group works so that we can bond more with our friends. There are be more laughter in the class now are everyone is engage in the lessons. ^^
Thursday, January 20, 2011

Learning Log 1
From the past few lessons, I have learnt that cinquain is a type of poem that is very unique and special. It has a few rules and guidelines to follow, for example:
SHINee (Title)
Funny, Amazing (Two words to describe)
Smiling, Laughing, Dancing (Three action word)
Dreaming about them forever (Four word phrase)
Awesome. (Describe the title)
Being able to learn cinquain is very useful, it enable us to write poems in a breeze. We can use this method in our daily life. For example, we can use it to write poems about saving the environment. It is easy to remember and understand. I also gain more knowledge for literature.
The lessons were fun and interesting. Being able to do group work allow us to bond more with each other and when we finish the cinquain poem, we felt a sense of achievement. I managed to write a cinquain poem about myself and it really reflects me a lot.
I think that the lessons were really awesome. However, I hope that we can watch some videos and have more examples of the topic. I really hope that there will be more group works as it really enable us to know and understand each other better. I also hope that there will be more laughter in the class to make the lessons more engaging.
That’s what I got to say for now. xD